ANNIE HALL (she/her/hers)
Administrative Associate
Materials Science & Engineering
amthall AT stanford DOT edu
IBUKUN AJIFOLOKUN (she/her/hers)
PhD Student
Materials Science & Engineering
ibukun AT stanford DOT edu
PhD Student
Materials Science & Engineering
anahitha AT stanford DOT edu
Undergraduate Researcher
San Jose State University (Biomedical Engineering)
Based on the interdisciplinary nature of our research efforts, we are looking for enthusiastic and driven undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers with interests and expertise in engineering, chemistry, biological sciences, or a related field. Independence, creativity, passion, and good communication skills are essential. The Appel Lab is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community of scientists and engineers from all backgrounds including (but not limited to) ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, experience, and training. We acknowledge that there are longstanding inequities within the STEM community, and that individuals with underrepresented and/or marginalized identities still face barriers in their careers due to historic and ongoing systemic discrimination. We believe that an inclusive environment is the only fertile medium in which to pursue excellence in learning, research, and service. The Appel Lab is dedicated to building an open and accepting laboratory environment to welcome talented individuals from all backgrounds and foster their growth and success here at Stanford and in their future careers.
If you are interested in joining our lab, please feel free to contact team members to discuss their experience in the lab and within the Stanford community.
To apply as a PhD student, please first apply to the Doctoral Program in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering. The department provides every PhD student with full financial support for the duration of the PhD degree, contingent on the student maintaining satisfactory academic progress. The financial aid package includes a living stipend/salary, full tuition, and a health insurance subsidy. Further, PhD students have access to on-campus housing at below-market rates. For more information, please see the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures and the Gateway for New Graduate Students.
To apply as a post-doc, please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references to: eappel AT stanford DOT edu.
Former PhD Students
OLIVIA M. SAOUAF (she/her/hers)
PhD Student
Materials Science & Engineering
osaouaf AT stanford DOT edu
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Former BS and MS Students
MS Student
Materials Science & Engineering (Stanford University)
bschmitt AT stanford DOT edu
ERIC VUONG (he/him/his)
Undergraduate Researcher
Bioengineering (Stanford University)
ericvuong AT stanford DOT edu
Visiting PhD Student
Biomedical Research (University of the Basque Country)
Summer Undergraduate Researcher
Stanford University (Materials Science & Engineering)
KATIE LU (she/her/hers)
Undergraduate Researcher
Stanford University (Biology)
katielu AT stanford DOT edu
Former Summer Visitors
Emerson Collective Summer Undergraduate Researcher
University of California, Los Angeles (Neuroscience)
Emerson Collective Summer Undergraduate Researcher
Xavier Univeristy of Louisiana/Tulane University (Biology)